
Heartland Pride

Omaha Roller Derby bartends, provides security, and participates in Heartland Pride festivities because we want everyone to feel safe, seen, and celebrated.

Omaha Polar Plunge – Special Olympics Nebraska

Omaha Roller Derby takes the plunge and raises money to support the athletes of the Special Olympics because we understand how competing can be cost-prohibitive to some and we want to even the playing field.

Omaha’s AFSP Out of the Darkness Walk to Prevent Suicide

Omaha Roller Derby walks side by side with friends, family members, neighbors, and coworkers, supporting each other and in memory of those we’ve lost. We believe that now, more than ever, it’s important to be there for one another and take steps to safeguard our mental health and prevent suicide.

Grief’s Journey Remembrance Walk

Omaha Roller Derby leads the route for the walk and brings positive connections to people that may be struggling with the gravity of remembrance.

Benson First Friday

Omaha Roller Derby works the Benson First Friday (BFF) members-only ball so the BFF staff and VIPs can both celebrate and participate in the events they have during their outdoor market season.

Benson Days

Omaha Roller Derby helps at the beer garden by serving Benson Days visitors and participates in the weekend festivities.


Omaha Roller Derby loves skating in parades and going off route to enjoy all of the small communities that make up the Omaha metro.

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